stock pickup????


New member
are stock pickup gd?????which guitar hav stock pickup tat does not necessary need to change????????
most entry/mid range guitars have OK pickups, epiphone, ibanez but some yamahas have SDs like 612v, think it's JB, sounds damn nice. value for money.

otherwise, can get all the damn ex guitars that cost 2k+, most comes with nice dimarzios and SDs...
even though guitars like bc rich and jackson have stock pickups designed for heavier rock to metal, it all boils down to drive and eq'ing..even a telecaster or strat can handle metal..
even though guitars like bc rich and jackson have stock pickups designed for heavier rock to metal, it all boils down to drive and eq'ing..even a telecaster or strat can handle metal..

That telecaster or strat, unless hot-rodded, won't be able to reach metal. Hard rock maybe but not metal. The stock pickups of those lack the power. If the tele or strat is humbucker equipped, you'll probably be able to achieve that metal sound.
Jem007 said:
even though guitars like bc rich and jackson have stock pickups designed for heavier rock to metal, it all boils down to drive and eq'ing..even a telecaster or strat can handle metal..
i tot ppl say bc rich pickup sucks to the core?????
tone is subjective la..those ppl have no mind of their own..there are ppl who also say fender stock pus suck, gibson pickups suck, then there are those who say they are good..if it sounds good to u why bother what they say? my ibanez rg has had the stock v7 s1 v8 set for yrs, but it still produces a great tone with some eq'ing, and i'm not complaining..
i used to think that bc rich sux...mainly because my thinking was ppl buy bc rich guitars only for their radical shapes with no quality. For example the ever so popular cheap bronze warlock. Its like, just looks, no quality kind of guitar.

But then, i took a loook at ALL their guitars and they werent so bad after all lol. Had some nice neck-thrus here and there, a few nice flying V's n stuff. Though im still siding ESP for guitars that cater to the metal heads :P(my explorer guitar :D)

oh and if you're into metal, take a look at EMG pickups :)
on the mid-price front, the Epi Tony Iommi SG has very impressive set of humbuckers, very drive inclined.

my BC Rich Body Art 'Space Face' retains its stock humbucker despite a general opinion that it's too 'screechy' sounding. it's a very good high output unit, worth every cent... 8)

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