Stingray copies


New member
Hi there , fellow groove makers

Is there any bass that has similar tone to the Stingray, I know it is better to get the real thing .

Thank you
tone wise i am not sure but these are the few that we have in singapore now bro

OLP MM 2- avaliable @ davis

J&D musicman copy-no picture avaliable , avaliable at music ensemble

ernie ball SUB STERLING

ernie ball SUB X01 & X02 ( passive and active version respectively, @ davis)


both the sub sterling and sub X 01 and 02 feature stingray pups and stingray electronics. they should be as close as possible to the stingray in terms of tone. reviews on the web suggest that they are very similar tonally
Thank you stars might go check it out at davies :)

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no hell below us
nothing to kill or die for

Imagine all the people
living life in peace

Peace Bro
haha the roadgears are def a good buy. if u are willing to invest a large sum of money on a bass. it features J/M pups... so u can achieve musicman humbucking with the tonality of fender jazz bass.. seymour duncan basslines pups summore.. power la my roadgear out of production...
the RD600! woohooooooo
for a round, punchy plus midrange tone, would the RD or SRs be a better choice? im looking for a 5 string that i can use direct to amp, i.e. has a good raw tone even before EQ
I'd use an SR, haven't really heard an RD, but i own an SRX 500 and i'd say its pretty worth the buck. But then again, most Ibanez basses are pretty good. =)
SOrry to hijack yr thread Phaze ... but i wud like to know anyone here have or know of any MORRIS brand website that i can browse for their bass guitar ?

my friend gave me a MORRIS brand bass guitar ... think it's made back in the 80s ? it has 3 nobs and i'm not sure what r they ... like i turn up the 1st nob, no sound, then i turn up the 2nd nob the sound is on ... 3rd nob (smaller in size) i think is the 'tone' ...

so cud it b the 1st 2 nob r both volume ? thanks
SpaTanS said:
my friend gave me a MORRIS brand bass guitar ... think it's made back in the 80s ? it has 3 nobs and i'm not sure what r they ..

hmmz .. this may not be accurate and it is a pretty long shot without any other data but going by other conventional data.

small knob = tone
knob 1 = volume for pickup 1
knob 2 = volume for pickup 2

thus , if knob 2 and small knob works. chances are u have onli one pickup working. which means one pickup is dead.

i do suggest taking it down to luthermusicworks and have rul , the resident guitar tech to take a look at it. hes great at that :D
ooh no no ... the pickups r fine ... just that i'm not too sure about the nobs ... :lol: here's some pics that i took ... hope u guys can see







ah... its a jazz bass copy!

so the knobs are volume/volume/tone

so now u check with the tech guy if the pickup or the volume pot is spoilt, or both. can get one of them multimeters to check for any electrical resistance.

nice bass btw :)
Does anyone know the price of the sub sterling? And does anyone know where to get a musicman stingray other than shipping?
Pyro said:
Does anyone know the price of the sub sterling? And does anyone know where to get a musicman stingray other than shipping?

hmmz ? oh davis has a stingray at the moment , brand new . at last check it was 2.3k

sub sterling no word of it yet , possible davis might bring in if u order from him :D



Just sold one of the above, under $300. Distributor still have 2-3pcs left. If any softies wanna get, just PM me asap. :wink: