
u can get them at kids stores which sell powerpuff girls and other stickers cos i think u punks like that kinda stuff rite? cool.. wahahahahahahaha.....

U asked me to define cool..

Well your half right bout greenday stickers...

I'm lookin for stickers associate with punk symbol such as anarchy... n anything as long as itz focus is punk...

1st buy a guitar magazine... then read it... after that u can cut out everything u wan from the magazine, use a double size tape and wah la.. u got the stickers u wan and seldom u will see two same thing on yr guitar and singpore.... at least in singapore..... hehe

my 2cents
lightmrwan_sg said:

I like that guitar pic.. Is that your guitar?? I like how you put those stickers to good use...

Haha, thanks! Only 1 of them is a true sticker...the others are all paper + double side tape...I want real stickers though.