Hello! I'm posting 2 questions:
1) Stick Grip (Fulcrum)
I watched one of dave weckl's videos, in which he recommended using the middle finger as part of the fulcrum, instead of the conventional index-thumb-fulcrum. He mentioned that by using the former, it allows the sticks to bounce more and the drums to 'sing better' and have 'better tone', as compared to when using the latter fulcrum.
I then went to check out some other great drummers like Steve Gadd and Ndugu Chancler, they also seem to be using their middle finger as part of the fulcrum - their index finger doesn't wrap much around the stick, but sorta 'hang loosely'.
I understand there's no THEE technique or grip; so long whatever is comfortable and suits, it shall be it. But would like to hear from you guys on this.
(another sub-question: How do gospel drummers (teddy campbell, calvin rodgers etc) sound so tight? Is it something to do with their grip and the way they strike?Whenever I listen to their playing, they just somehow sound rather different, as compared to those non-gospel drummers. Not to mention gospel drummers have some of the deepest pockets and grooves around, I feel)
2) Ghost notes in groove
Ok I don't quite know how to explain this, but how to have that multiple ghost notes in a normal 4/4 groove - something along the line of david garibardi? Issit double strokes (tap) in between the Right hand? like Rll Rll L(snare)?
1) Stick Grip (Fulcrum)
I watched one of dave weckl's videos, in which he recommended using the middle finger as part of the fulcrum, instead of the conventional index-thumb-fulcrum. He mentioned that by using the former, it allows the sticks to bounce more and the drums to 'sing better' and have 'better tone', as compared to when using the latter fulcrum.
I then went to check out some other great drummers like Steve Gadd and Ndugu Chancler, they also seem to be using their middle finger as part of the fulcrum - their index finger doesn't wrap much around the stick, but sorta 'hang loosely'.
I understand there's no THEE technique or grip; so long whatever is comfortable and suits, it shall be it. But would like to hear from you guys on this.
(another sub-question: How do gospel drummers (teddy campbell, calvin rodgers etc) sound so tight? Is it something to do with their grip and the way they strike?Whenever I listen to their playing, they just somehow sound rather different, as compared to those non-gospel drummers. Not to mention gospel drummers have some of the deepest pockets and grooves around, I feel)
2) Ghost notes in groove
Ok I don't quite know how to explain this, but how to have that multiple ghost notes in a normal 4/4 groove - something along the line of david garibardi? Issit double strokes (tap) in between the Right hand? like Rll Rll L(snare)?