Sterling Silo 30 vs Fender Japan Standard Strat


New member
Which one would you prefer? Gonna be playing rock, fusion stuff(T-Square and Casiopea) and blues rock(John Mayer) stuff with the guitar. Going to be using the trem a fair bit as well! I managed to clinch some good deals on both, about $70 difference, just trying to decide which one to get.
The Fender would have better resale value if you were to change guitar in future. Tonewise, test both.

Take note of the set up of the guitar. no point getting the cheaper one and spending $70 on a set up right?
IMO get the one that is most comfortable when playing such genres. you can always change the pickups later so its feel > sound.

I would cast my vote for the Fender. swap out the stock pickups to Fender Noiseless and you will get some awesome tones.