Below are several pictures of the Singapore Deluxe Version of Yanzi’s lastest album My Story, Your Song. Its selling with the normal versions at all CD stores now. Cost around SGD 50+ each.
The Cover with the DVD.
The 100 page pictorial book (which I think is the most worthy thing in the package)
WoBuNanGuo 6 Film Strip.
The 4 CDs.
Everything in the package.
Below are several pictures of the Singapore Deluxe Version of Yanzi’s lastest album My Story, Your Song. Its selling with the normal versions at all CD stores now. Cost around SGD 50+ each.
The Cover with the DVD.
The 100 page pictorial book (which I think is the most worthy thing in the package)
WoBuNanGuo 6 Film Strip.
The 4 CDs.
Everything in the package.