Starting Out


New member
Hey! I am just starting out!
With so many effects pedals out there, I don't know what to start with!

Any advise or intros? :)

really appreciate it! :D
You dont need any pedals (yet). havent used pedals in 6 years and doing just fine. unless the songs are specific for effects etc.

just focus on the guitar itself with a decent amp, effects can come later :)
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Well if your amp is fairly basic, you can try starting with a delay pedal and a distortion pedal. Can do a lot of stuff. What kind of music do you play?
You could be more specific with what Fender amp... it could be anything DDRI to a Supersonic.

What do you want to do to your tone? What is missing? What are you trying to achieve?

Also you have a GT8?
i assume you're looking to try out single stomps. Try the suhr series of drive/distortion pedals. shiva/riot amazing stuff.
I suggest a delay and low gain drive for your first 2. Maybe followed by a heavier drive next. I play for church and I find i use these the most.
More specifically, I use a Vox Time Machine (Tap tempo is useful) along with a Barber LTD Silver and Barber Direct Drive (Natural sounding drives that I personally like compared to others). And these pedals come cheap on the classifieds now and then, keep your eyes peeled haha.
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