Starting a Magazine


New member
we are a group on students based in singapore and we are starting a magazine featuring articles and reviews on various genres of music

we are mainly interested in all things retro and all the new indie/ new wave bands/ post punk bands coming out so if anyone would like to contribute or have any comments or suggestions please drop a reply

we are also looking for some contributors and we will be running reviews of gigs and local bands.

our first issue is due to come out real soon and well be grateful for any suggestions and article contributions.

there are also a lot of picture pages so any images of gigs/ bands or any other interesting pictures will also be appreciated

we are hoping to launch an online PDF version as well so if you cant get holdof it in print form you can always download it.

we will keep you guys posted on it and again any support is greatly greatly appreciated
actually, this is quite coincidental, for the last 8 months I've been working on one too - a PRINTED live music magazine and will launch soon. (mid jan) Perhaps we should work together? On my side I have the financial / corporate support + publishing license
primarily. Only touring acts that come to Singapore will be featured for the time being. The intention is not to become another Juice, 8 days or Junk
saito said:
actually, this is quite coincidental, for the last 8 months I've been working on one too - a PRINTED live music magazine and will launch soon. (mid jan) Perhaps we should work together? On my side I have the financial / corporate support + publishing license

will gladly consider equipment review 8)
Narcoleptia said:
Does the magazine feature only strictly local bands?

no we will have sections on local bands
but mainly we are trying to have a load of picture pages and we also write about art and literature and have loadsof picture pagfes

we are mainly trying to have a small circulation for like minded people
something pleasant to look at and read

thanks you seem to know how its done
we would like some feedback and is there a certain number of copies that we can produce without a license
any other information ofn publication license would be appreciated.
I believe that the current implementation of Adobe Acrobat does not support audio or video files. You will do much better with a Flash version since like-minded people will have Flash installed on their computers.. If it's music then people will want to at least hear what's out there.

as an enthusiast/writer i've always been looking to get involved in something like this but haven't had the opportunity. PM/call/msn me about anything i can help.
Hi there...i'm working for a publisher right now...have experience dealing with magazine advertising and circulation. I know a few typesetters and artists who might be willing to freelance or work for free.
Am interested to write articles and/or provide funding.

In fact, I have a similar idea except that it's not restricted to local arena.