Sports Shooting

yup me bro. Now IDPA is the in-thing besides ipsc and ppc. Personally i prefer ppc

Hey, u into IDPA?..
I went for the basic course last 2 years, conducted by Helmi at NRSC.
I also took part in IPSC, PPC and IDPA. Last event was this year's PPC.
Were u there?
yup. attended the first idpa by helmi. I was in the first ppc back in 06. Didnt represent last yr coz on 2 mths course and didnt join this yr coz ive fractured my left wrist (Im a lefty). Maybe we could have met but didnt knew one another bro hahaha. I think we knew one another coz only a small community know bout this ppc and idpa stuff....if you know what i mean : ) . Btw let me guess, hmmm......francis is that you? If its you, guess whos here hahaha
You guys must've served in SPF during NS eh.

I don't think there're many into IDPA apart from the serious gun-nuts, since there's little chance for you to own a firearm in Singapore for self-defense purposes.

As far as I know, there're a couple of sucky Airsoft IPSC clubs in Singapore. No real firearm IPSC in Singapore, right?

Quite boring, if you ask me.

People would rather go to Thailand or Malaysia or Batam for Airsoft wargaming and skirmishes.
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no i'm not francis.. and yes i get wat u mean..small community ;)
Anything can PM bro.. it's nice to find our own kind here.. u know wat i mean?.. heheh..
haha, now idpa been introduced to others for them explore and familiarise. Personal point of view, I felt that IDPA should superseed PPC for the LD coveted annual J/Shield. I ever discussed with my colleagues bout this (Pros and cons lah - Too many this thread not enough esp if youre dealing daily with Siva hahaha). Anyway u from L Div, Splst other HT (Anuar n company? hahaha) or Dynamic SC ? This coming J/Shield, we might catch up with one another. My side cant take part because of the different eqpt (U know what I mean) that we use primarily. As my dept is the organizer, I'll be either counting the marks at the scoreboard or one of the referees hahaha. Maybe you could pm me if its too "hot" in here bro - COLD BARREL - RANGE IS HOT!!!