Sports for musician?


New member
Heh just really bored here. Its like i'm practically sitting infront of my computer, playing to songs, learning stuffs, practising and practising.

And my belly getting bigger and bigger and bigger. The bad thing is, I don't drink!

Oh well, what do you guys do wehn you're free? Pull ups? Sit ups?

=( I'm too lazy Lol.
Um.. GIANT, GT... if you've gotta huge wallet, you can try SCOTT and others, preferbly a cross hybrid bike...
Wah chim, im super super newbie to bikes and stuffs.

Where can i take a look at them man? Any good place? Preferably in the west.
no sports for me...i gave up badminton for music cause i realised there's no point going after smth which u have no interest in
I play badminton at school. Sometimes I also cycle to orchard road (10 mins bike ride from my house) but the other day an auntie called me an idiot after I almost hit her with my bike (she stepped towards me when I was overtaking her) though I said sorry immediately. :(

I think they should have bike paths in Singapore. Each year there are a few hundred accidents of cyclists getting hit my cars.
Omg. Lol Musicians like not much of a sports man ah? Hahah
Walk lol.


No kakis to jog or cycle together leh. I wanna get a bike!!!
we play golf in our pastime. LOL

is carrom considered a sport?

whatabout ghost hunting? bassist does that last time. used to bring his videocam to old changi hospital and stake out with his friends.
the only sport he did was running as fast as he can after seeing something..or somethings.. :twisted:
i used to cycle a lot. was into all that trial riding stuff, then i found the joys of the home studio, and sold my bike to setup my little mini studio.
ever since then, my waist increased to a nice comfortable 35....
haizz... working full time and studying full time also taken its toll on my body as well....

well im into the running and weight training kinda thing..
sad part is after weights..your hands no strength to practise guitar properly.