sore in the thumb : normal?


New member
hi everyone,

my left thumb is always feeling sore after playing guitar for a while, is this normal?
am i holding it in the wrong position or using the wrong tension?

I get it too, even if I play sitting down, but I tend to associate it with the fact that a few years ago my left thumb was stepped on, kicked, and battered till it swelled up twice the size (it sucks to be a goal keeper), ever since then it was never the same.
i got the sore more often when i'm standing, sitting seems more comfortable

i have another slight problem with standing, my wrist will hurts if i do a lot of barred chords :(
It used to get sore, but now not anymore. Yea, now it takes about 4 hours of non-stop playing to get my thumb tired, its usually the fretting fingertips that go first however.
i got the sore more often when i'm standing, sitting seems more comfortable

i have another slight problem with standing, my wrist will hurts if i do a lot of barred chords :(

Are you a low slinger? If you are, then it's time to raise the guitar higher.
Im a drummer but when i play my friends bass or electric with high action, ALL my freaking fingers get sores. damn
Are you a low slinger? If you are, then it's time to raise the guitar higher.

yeah, so far i raise a bit, it seem to be better ....
and i find that i need to keep my guitar near to horizontal with the ground, if i keep it around 45 degree like some guitarist, my waist cant take it, will start to pain :(
Try to stretch, it helps. Also you should find a position where its the most comfortable, like my guitar is never lower than my navel.

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