Sony Ericsson Phones


New member
Anyone using SE phones getting irritated with their phone getting charged?
Im using a S700i and its killing me everytime i charge it, is it just my phone or does it occur to all SE phones?
it just wouldnt charge lol everytime i plug it in i have to adjust real bad to get it charging. the red led light that shows that its chraging just doestn show when its in at times i have to really adjust it to a certain spot which is very hard to
I know what you old ericsson phone did that too. I tried to get it fixed but nothing worked. like the phone just refuses to charge. damn annoying.
last time when i use my T630...i have the same problem...i must let it stand sideway to get it charge...
i have a clamshell song ericsson phone Z600 i think. It is totally sucky. It hangs almost once a day. :evil:
i using samsung handphone now...somehow i prefer samsung over nokia...i think nokia release too much handphone in one season that it kills the price of it's other its like when u wanna trade in ur phone, to ur surprise..the price of ur phone might had drop to a rather low price...even if u had just bought it like 2 mths ago...
the problem with SE phones and charging is due to the stinking connector port that SE has with its older phones . the newer phones sport a new connector port model which is much better
Yo dave.. You using the S700i huh?? Is it good?? I'm planning to get one soon.. But still deciding to get K750i or S700i.. :(
I've been a Nokia user for the longest time but decided to buy a SE fone recently. Boy do i regrtt it. Always have some kind of problem especially with charging. The buttons are hard to press (sms-ing is a nightmare) Then the cover... wait theres no cover... the silver finishing gets discolored/chipped easily! i cant wait to get rid of it and buy a new nokia.
moggie_54 said:
Yo dave.. You using the S700i huh?? Is it good?? I'm planning to get one soon.. But still deciding to get K750i or S700i.. :(

ah well... i would rather get a k750i. Im planning to get that next but the charging really annoys me.

So i would most probably not get antohre SE phone.

Wouldnt advise you to get S700i. dents easily and cover not replaceable.
davenoy said:
moggie_54 said:
Yo dave.. You using the S700i huh?? Is it good?? I'm planning to get one soon.. But still deciding to get K750i or S700i.. :(

ah well... i would rather get a k750i. Im planning to get that next but the charging really annoys me.

So i would most probably not get antohre SE phone.

Wouldnt advise you to get S700i. dents easily and cover not replaceable.

What do you mean by dent easily?? What about the silding part?? Is it good or easy to worn out??
Nokia phones get broken a LOT. had to bring my 6230 in for repairs in the last few months like twice. I wanna Samsung sliding phone....*whee*
SE phones lag like MAD. Arghh, I can die sms-ing. The phone hangs if I sms too quickly. Super lag thing.
really? my phone's never done that to me before. heh. maybe it's as phones become more like mini-computers that we get lag problems.