SONGWATERS Drummer+ Guitarist needed


New member - skip the non english ones pelase. - my vocals were BAD this day. yes i blame everything else;) skip to 0:50 till then its setup.

If you are passionate about this type of music and like these songs please call me
97536648 PARIJAT

The songs are pretty different from each otehr so please listen to all.

My good friend Justin here is so good but not always available:(

enthusiasm+dedication is important i would like to jam regularly(at least 1ce a week) and start performing quick in some nice venues(wouldnt you?)

As you can see a processor or/and some pedals would def be needed.

Drummers : i know these sample dont have much drums,if listening makes you feel you will make this better pleeease caaaallll!

Calculated minimalism, Bursts of speed, off beats, experiments come to mind.

Computer implimentation and fascination with electronic sounds is not needed but a bonus.

Sigur ros and Radiohead and mute math, in my opinion this kind of drumming might suit, but youll know better:)
