Songs that are overplayed at Guitar shops

badgers88... i guess SHELL oil company has answered the call...

if it takes 1 truck to tow 4 oil rigs, it's much more efficient than towing ONE oil rig with ONE truck...

what if it reaches a junction? then like 10 point turn... hold up traffic = more traffic fumes = more pollution. Lol, sorry im just being stupid, its so funny though.
well probably america's full of those roads... stretching from deserts to deserts... all roads are straight...

than probably the they'll have a rendezvous point where other trucks will be waiting to carry the oil rig to a petrol station...:D...

singapore is quite and filled with turns and whatnot..
u mean a tanker right? Not oil rig... Oil rig is the huge thing in the middle of the sea. Lol imagine one of those going down the road.
hey, i used to play stairway to heaven but i started at the solo... is that not allowed too? i do the double bends at the end too and sing the last line of the song! :twisted:
Sweet Child must be the most overplayed song ever in guitar shops!

The oil rig thing was really funny though. LOL!!
yup! listen enough of it and you'll feel the urge to grow and mullet and start countless threads asking "how to get the SLASH TONE"
Haha.. All the Bedok Reservoirians :)

I saw this picture somewhere.. Damn funny!! Whats wrong with those 3 songs mentioned?