Song writing

RG2820 said:
hey anybody knows how to write songs? as in come up wif lyrics?

Hmm, interesting you ask something like this. Many approaches i guess, but the best is still go with your heart. You might get inspiration just taking a walk or something, immediately get it recorded down somehow, or run home and put it down on paper. I don't really believe in sitting down and forcing a song out, that way it doesn't feel so, true, can't find a word to describe it heh. But that's the way i look at it. Many ways actually, don't confine yourself. Be free :)
In fact I feel that somehow songwriting does help in improving on your English or your mother tongue depending on what language you're writing in...

My advice would be if you're writing a ballad song , do not go the easy way out by writing "i love u" , "i can't live without u" , "you're my everything" because it really turns people off especially u hear this usual sentences in modern pop songs of today.You should be more elaborative instead and think of more creative ways to expressing your feelings out on paper now that's if your writing a ballad song lah...

Your song should also have a brief storyline.Sorry you may think this is weird or sounds gay but this is my usual approach to writing lyrics and if you can manage to fool your peers into thinking that your lyrics looks more like a poem instead of a song , then i think that's when you know that you have written good lyrics...

Good Luck :D
Noramlly, I sit down at the pc.
Think about what happened in my life.
Listen to other songs to relate.
Then the song just comes out.
I have about 15 songs written. 8)
i usually get inspirations from the weirdest when im in the toilet shitting halfway suddenly a riff or a nice phrase would come up to mind...or even halfway during a parade also while everyone is standing still i'll probably be playing some progressive rock song in my head haha
ok about composing music i can answer.. about lyrics i can't... i will have these dreams .. im playing with a band.. don't know what band.. but the music was there.. music i never heard of before.. so when i wake up i try to lay down these melodies.. from there it builds up.. den extend extend .. sadly.. many songs i heard just flew away like that.. never got it..
but one thing.. don't ever give yourself up to your cheem side.. when u write songs say u wanna sound progressive u come up with all these hard stuff.. u go to the extend u depend on ur techniques and go all out for technicality rather than feel, emotions or groove... it will turn out really ugly seriously.... not that u can't .. just dont think about it.. sometimes simplicity will be xinifinity better than your technicality stuff..
or..u can try coming up with the skeleton of the song first..then put in the technicality and progressiveness later..
Sometimes simple stuff is good, even lyrics don't need to be cheem also can one...
You could try jamming first then when jam a few more times, can add complex stuffs to it lor...
no no the technical stuff in my head just remains there, but when i write it down i just write the core chords and arrangements, then later when i feel more confident then i try to add a bit of variations here n there, theres no way i'll go to the LTE or Spastic Ink level....maybe at the most, only Dream Theater
hey thanx for ur input guys..... hmmmm i tink i'll juz let it come to me n not try to force it out too much.... yea i agree wif wad dhalif said abt doing a song from too much a technical approach kinda sounds weird like smth's not right... well i guess i can like come up wif a theme n base a song around that...
to me....there are no rules in writing a song...u can start with lyrics/poem...from a solo....from a riff.....just write it in a way u think will sound nice and catchy...