Something useful for new bands and not so new bands too

been wanting to post this. Saw this a few years back. Might be useful or informative regarding demo guidelines. enjoy

Hey, thanks for the interest in the Trustkill family. We enjoy listening to all of the demos we get, so please do not hesitate to send something. You never know, we might actually like it! You might not know this, but we have actually signed a few bands based on receiving their demos in the mail, for real. No joke, no lie, totally serious. Here are some tips for sending in demo submissions, so please read on before you send something.

1) We only accept CD's. None of us here own a cassette player, and if you're sending a demo on vinyl, well...give Marty McFly a call.
2) Do NOT send us a URL of where to download songs from, we won't do it. Also, Do NOT send us mp3's...we will delete the email without opening it.
3) Please package your CD well before shipping. A broken CD does us no good.
4) Do NOT contact us asking to see if we got the CD or if we listened to it. If we don't call you, then your demo didn't knock us on our ass, or we are just too busy to take on any new projects at the moment, nothing personal. This does not mean we won't EVER like your band, so please continue to send us future recordings, okay?
5) Anything extra you can send is great, such as live videos, cash, bios, reviews, photographs, cash, candy bars, individual Crystal Light packets, cash, etc.
6) Please include band name, contact name, phone #, email address, myspace/pure volume, and street address either on the CD itself, or on the packaging. We throw away your letters after we read them, and if we listen to your CD a week later and can't figure out who to contact, then that's no good for anybody.
7) A slick looking package is important. If it looks like you spent 2 seconds putting a demo together, then that shows us that is all the time you care to spend on your band, and that is NOT what we are looking for.
8) Yes, we will consider bands from overseas.
9) Yes, we do consider bands of all sub-genres of rock (hardcore, metal, emo, screamo, punk, whatever...)
10) Lastly, we're gonna be honest here, we are looking for HARD WORKING bands, if we get your demo in the mail and we have never even HEARD of you, it is going to take more than a slick package to persuade us. We are extremely in tune to the hardcore/metal/rock/punk scene, we KNOW what is going on and what bands are out there playing all the time. Before you send us a CD to check out, try and get out on the road and bust your ass first, this is what we are looking for in a band. You need to be working just as hard as us, if not harder, and we work 20 hour days, so get crackin!

Please send all demo submissions to the address below, "ATTENTION A&R". We look forward to hearing what you have recorded, take care, Josh TK.

Trustkill Records
23 Farm Edge Lane
Tinton Falls, NJ. 07724 USA
10) Lastly, we're gonna be honest here, we are looking for HARD WORKING bands, if we get your demo in the mail and we have never even HEARD of you, it is going to take more than a slick package to persuade us. We are extremely in tune to the hardcore/metal/rock/punk scene, we KNOW what is going on and what bands are out there playing all the time. Before you send us a CD to check out, try and get out on the road and bust your ass first, this is what we are looking for in a band. You need to be working just as hard as us, if not harder, and we work 20 hour days, so get crackin!

lol how will they ever hear of a band in singapore?
naaah its just an example...

''5) Anything extra you can send is great, such as live videos, CASH, bios, reviews, photographs, CASH, candy bars, individual Crystal Light packets, CASH, etc.''
oh i thot this was a real thing. since when trustkill recruiting bands from singapore...? haha.

my eyes playing tricks on me..
i mean this should be real, but TS is posting just for the guidelines. for heaven's sake, they are located in the US.
haha i understand the guidelines of demos..

i actually thot the TS is from Trustkill.. thats what i meant.