Some questions...


New member
I have interest in guitar some months ago and bought some china brand cheap acoustic guitar.
I can strum easy songs like boulevard, over you etc., but I have difficulty playing chords like F, F#, B, Bb etc. mainly because I cant get the chord to ring perfectly.
I practised the chords for many weeks but can't seem to get it. I was wondering whether it is my guitar problem, I play until my tip of my fingers become numb and painful and I need do press down hard for chords to ring perfectly.

I heard that it is much easier to play electric guitar because you do not have to press down so hard. So I am wondering if there is any difference in electric guitar because I hate the sound of plucking melodies on electric guitar, i prefer strumming and distortion ( peference to linkin park, greenday, fall out boy etc) A pity I am also on a budget of around 250-300.

I am also an intermediate pianist, and have some background on guzheng. I is reccommended to get those yamaha starter kit? One thing I worry is that will I lose interest in electric guitar. I was hoping to form a band but I'm only in my teens, and study is more important ( I am already failing some subjects) . But I really have passion for music.
if you feel you really have the passion, go for it. give yourself more time to learn those barre chords. are the strings ridiculously far from the fretboard? if not, the guitar is fine to play on.

i dont recommend starter kits. get a second hand electric guitar of your choice and a cheap ass amp. when you get better, sell off the old gear and upgrade.
if you feel you really have the passion, go for it. give yourself more time to learn those barre chords. are the strings ridiculously far from the fretboard? if not, the guitar is fine to play on.

i dont recommend starter kits. get a second hand electric guitar of your choice and a cheap ass amp. when you get better, sell off the old gear and upgrade.

i agree. get an 2nd hand guitar and maybe a ronald cube amp?