Some bass gear questions...


New member
I was thinking to save up and get a dunlop bass crybaby wah wah, u tink i shld get tht wah pedal?

wad is the difference between a fretless electric bass and a normal fret bass? is there any fretless bass in sg i can take a look at in shops?

do ampeg amps have an amp for practice use? those small one
yes black_death thts wad an anghoon is lol

the brice bass isit good? has anyone tried any fretless bass b4? wads the diff bettween the normal bass and the fretless ones?
there's a fretless j at music connection. it's supposed to be a mij fender jazz but i don't think fenders make their basses with the name fender stuck on with a sticker. sounds good to me but i find it overpriced IMO.

fretless bass is just a whole different instrument. it can get very addictive. when i play my fretless, i tend to play more running lines and more chordal things. i dunno la... it's like a bass without frets haha...

there's a different sound you can get out of it. you won't get a nice slap sound as there are no frets but you can get the strings to vibrate off the fingerboard to create a unique sound which sounds like *mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhh* listen to fretless clips on youtube to get a better idea of what i mean.
fretless bass were never meant to be slapped .. you'll just end up damaging the fingerboard ... overtime .. you'll have no fingerboard to play with .. =P

3notesAbar: ... hard core JP .. is it the Mach I or II? I tried the Mach II before ... amazing tone .. like what you said .. sophisticated .. =) .. but nice ..
Mach 1 :)

I'll be spending the next 3 months paying a kind friend for it. But it'll be worth every stalk of weed i'm about to eat, as i've dreamt of having this bass for more than 5 years! :D
3notesAbar said:
Mach 1 :)

I'll be spending the next 3 months paying a kind friend for it. But it'll be worth every stalk of weed i'm about to eat, as i've dreamt of having this bass for more than 5 years! :D

hahahaha... all our GAS stem from basses we always wanted to own.... enjoy the new wife bro!
3notesAbar said:
Mach 1 :)

I'll be spending the next 3 months paying a kind friend for it. But it'll be worth every stalk of weed i'm about to eat, as i've dreamt of having this bass for more than 5 years! :D

That was one of my dream basses also ... i figured i'd either get that or the TRB1006 .. in the near future ... but i'll just stick with what i have first .. =P ..

it's a beautiful bass ... good to see that you're enjoying ...
i don't see the need in getting a wah pedal. what do you intend to use it for? you're better off saving that money or getting a DI, EQ or compression for your bass. or new strings -)
djtommy said:
do you encounter a loud thud sound when u switch the boost on your bassbone? mine does.

I just bought the bassbone very recently and havent used the boost switch. But i did get a HUGE thud at SMU when i lifted the ground switch!! Will update this thread after Friday regarding the boost switch issue.

Related info: I've heard of a few problems associated with the 2-channel switching. A friend of mine has a non-working Channel 2! Thats the 3-band EQ Channel. Inconcievable... Mine also has problems getting a signal when switched only for the first time. So what i do is i switch back and forth before i start playing, and just stick to Channel 2 (since i use Passive basses). I'm happy with that one channel, but Radial should really do something about this.
litford said:
i don't see the need in getting a wah pedal. what do you intend to use it for? you're better off saving that money or getting a DI, EQ or compression for your bass. or new strings -)
i do play some music which has some bass wahs, like ratm. i plan on improvising some of my bass playing by using wah too
oh kayy, fair enough.. i'm not too sure, but does Tim C use envelope filters or autowahs more than an actual wah pedal? i dunno.. my experience with bass wahs are very limited, but if you can find a good innovative way to use the wah, go for it lor -)

i'm just guessing if you were asking us if you should buy it meant you had a budget constraint, and constraints mean more tactful use of available funds to maximize bass playing! but yeah, my experience is that the wah is more an extravagant product than a staple piece of equipment -)
litford said:
oh kayy, fair enough.. i'm not too sure, but does Tim C use envelope filters or autowahs more than an actual wah pedal?

He uses 2 Jim Dunlop Cry Baby Bass Wah connected together with a board on top of the 2 pedals so that he can play 2 at the same time. :D