SOLO! SOLO! How TO!?!?!


New member
Hey guys,firstly thanks for viewing and even taking an interest:D. Well,i dunno if this has already been asked but i guess this is a question every guitarist has on their mind.

SO here goes,how do i improvise a solo on the spot? I mean as in,i know what key the song is in but how do like start belting out notes that fit with the song? Do i use a scale? and like do all notes on the scale tally with the song or only some? Also can i use all kinds of scales?,i know that different scales make different types of sounds but can i use all of them?

Oh,and lastly,if so what scales? Thanks a lot guys!! :cool: Have a nice day!
first of all, what kind of music do you like?

you must be able to improvise a melody from a scale. start by learning your basic pentatonic scales first. you can also check out ultimate to check out lessons on how to solo. i recommend the ones by pick n grin, although its more into blues soloing.

oh, and don't forget to practice your alt. picking as well! ;) very important that you learn to have a clean and precise picking technique.

i dont mean to be a troll, but there are also LOTS of threads on in this section about improvisation and soloing. do a search and most of em will pop out.

good luck and keep rockin..
Guitar Solo

Learn your scales. Different songs use different scales. If a song is composed using major scale then using pentatonic scale will sound awful. But there are some guitarists break the rule but sound cool. it depends on the applications.
I suggest you have to undestand the song structure.

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