so sinamex has the MM and Bongo


New member
so sinamex has the Stingray and Bongo

is it possible to walk in and try them out for feel?

I mean genuine interest in buying, if it feels good, i'll buy. But if both don't feel good then don't buy.

But if I don't try it out at the shop how would I know?

Basically this will be no problem in a shop that sells a lot of basses and different brands... you'll just try them out.

But for sinamex case they only have the Stingray and Bongo for basses, so one would walk in there just to try them out, and if it doesn't feel right there ain't other basses there to try and maybe buy. So i wonder if trying out and not buying is possible...
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yup they are really nice and helpful people. one of the friendliest stores in singapore i'd say.

shame they only have such a small collection of mm basses. not much demand in sg i guess. awesome basses tho.

When i last went they had a 5 string bongo and a MM sunburst with 2 H plus a MM Green fretless. Trying them out is not a problem, when i went there the guy was extremely friendly and offered me a test run even without me asking. But i was pretty much staring and salivating all over myself just looking them.
yup they are really nice and helpful people. one of the friendliest stores in singapore i'd say.

shame they only have such a small collection of mm basses. not much demand in sg i guess. awesome basses tho.

YEah.. they are very friendly, no harm trying laa. They never bring in much bcos they normally order for u to the specs you want. So they will ask u wat you want in your MM and quote u with the price.
i'm considering either a warwick or a bongo... and confirm have to place order, coz i absolutely don't like the color of the bongo they have there lol!
You could just buy straight off the US. Make sure you get proper shipping (Fedex if i'm not wrong, and maybe insurance if you want to). Check if you want more details.
Mate of mine bought a dreadnought acoustic from them. We were there a good two hours or more trying their guitars out They were most welcoming, helpful without being pushy. Go ahead. That kind of money - you should not feel any pressure to buy until u're 100 per cent certain.