Small vid of my band coverin Final Countdown on a gig yester

Whose cover of final countdown did you cover? Children of Bodom? Or the techno one :lol:
haven't been to a live show in awhile, think it sounded better there, cos the video clip is distorting and clipping quite badly, so i can't really hear well. but for its genre, i think u did it pretty ok, and most importantly, the crowds enjoy it. but personally am not a fan of screaming vocals so i did not quite enjoy it on a personal level, please don't get me wrong, not putting ur band down. its just personal preference la. would have liked to hear ur natural voice la...keke
on the upside, its a new twist to an old song, tastefully done, a crowd pleaser piece which is what a band needs, and u guys pulled it off. cheers!
ermm, for the music, i'd say its great.
screaming vocals? cant quite hear the words.
but overall, yar, its a good cover. :smt023
fibredrive said:
but personally am not a fan of screaming vocals so i did not quite enjoy it on a personal level,

I'm not a big fan of screaming vocals either dude hehe.and thanks! :)
Yan not bad..
abt the timing part...yup i did hear some parts were off..
best if u just stick to the triplet(for the rhythm part)or just follow the bass drums..
overall not so bad..well done..

ps :i believe the solo(the triad part) shld be a pull off.
then u can get the even feel..

btw nice guitar...hehe
whats up!!!!! :lol:
as long as the audience enjoys the show its a success .the one who doesnt cheer on ur performance for sure is another musician band they know every mistake ul made hahaha am i right
wah, nice one, i recognise your guitar, same as the yamaha competition auditions that one! :p where was the performance at? Nice headbanging crowd...hahaha...
haha, so you were not the only one, i was actually taken by surprise when i saw the video, hahaha, they headbanged soooooooooo HARD to a song that wasnt thaaaaaaat least better than the audience just stand there, then walk away after a min or
lol, the performance was at Fullmoon Beach Bar which is at Coasta Sands resort. I guess its a little weird without a stage, oh and a well lighted place. Not the kind of place metal gigs are usually held at hehehe, and yes, its better then them just standing there, many thanks to them for the support :D
ahha nice cover...i went there once for a punk gig, cool place...yea iansoh haha..the headbanging...funny stuff