Small Fry Podcast #9


New member
On today's show:

An album review of "Divine Society" by The Old Kings. Tracks featured include:
  • "You Could Say"
    "Too Long and A Day"
    "Two II"
Also, check out "Forget That Girl" by Hollow Horse, part of something new on the Small Fry Podcast! You can find the show at If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to e-mail me at

If you'd like to have your music played on the Small Fry, do send me your songs (in MP3 format, pls) to the above e-mail address with the following info:
  • Name of band/musician
    Background info abt yourself
    Musical influences
    Future plans for your music
    Any contact info (e.g. website, e-mail)
Thanks very much!

Hwei Shan :)
hmmmmmm... wonder why not many check this out? maybe i'm wrong...

ok, i love the fact that Small Fry is trying to expose local music/bands/talents. its a noble and great thing. i applaud u guys!!! *clap! clap! clap! cheers!!!* i'm downloading the rest of the Podcasts now. it makes me feel like i'm listening to Rediffusion with Chris Ho or something... there is even West Boulevard in Podcast #2! (u guys sounds great by the way...) and also Ugly In The Morning...

this is a quote by the DJ from Podcast #2:
"I can't emphasize enough how important it is that you give local bands a chance. I have to admit that before this, I have no idea of the amount of talent that exist in Singapore. Sure, no... Not every band is good. But there are plenty of great ones too! These are all musicians who deserve to be heard."

nicely put.

check these Podcasts out guys... i know a lot will enjoy this...
Hey Hwei Shan,

We have been exploring the idea of doing an Aging Youth internet radio show. In fact, we have the entire song lists for 4 shows drawn up. Each show will carry around 20 songs. I'm utterly alien to this podcast thing but I heard your show which you featured B-Quartet.(Thanks for that.) It's an interesting idea.

Mind if you explain the whole concept to me in person. I can help to sort you out with more tracks though... :lol: