Sit down Stand up.


New member
Guys just wondering.
When u guys practise, do you practise ur guit when ya sitting down or standing?

Even when practising licks, i know from alot of magazine and pros that u have to play SLOWLY and steadily. Before accelerating or like play it faster. If not you will have a bad habit of making mistakes.
i practise standing up most of the time...
some how sitting down.... no "feel"

anyways most gigs you play , you will be standing. Jumping even..
man_kidal: But then like this, won't you be use to the sitting down style?

Then when you stand and play its like learning all over again. To get use to the feeling.
i prefer to stand and play... den also put the guitar low low one... more fun lar standing... onli unless play like jazzy stuff lar.... sit down better... hahha..

and i agree wif hofner... can really sweat... but i treat it as if i doin work out lol =)
It's all dependant on my mood. But what man_kidal said is true. Try to balance out between standing and sitting so you get used to both, can perform in any situation like that =)
i feel more comfortable sitting down and playing but fact is i always play standing so i try to spend 3/4 time standing when practicing.
Some guitars are kinda difficult to play sitting down. Even for my les paul. i have to bend my back down uncomfortably while sitting down, which is kinda bad for my back. But then again standing with a damn heavy guitar strung on to ur shoulders for long periods of time may not be that good too.. but i stand up most of the time, its easier to sing that way.

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