Singer/guitarist and female bassist looking for a drummer

Steven Naarden

New member
We play what we consider interesting covers, Radiohead, the Smiths, Joy Division, Bon Iver, Sun Kil Moon, Elbow, Tim Buckley, the Verve and Patti Smith, 70ties, 90ties and current. Most songs we play are melancholic and down beat, shoe gazing but we also rock (if possible during the same track). We try to create our own version rather then to follow the originals too closely. We aim to have fun, some (probably unpaid) gigs. We are looking for a drummer who can play well, has a good ear and is available once a week for rehearsals. We are European and Singaporean and aged between 22 and 44 and we are easygoing and good at what we do; age and ethnic origin are not important, being a good musician, nice person and taking band practice seriously enough to get to gigging is. In the future we would also like to include an (ideally female) guitarist/keyboardist/violinist who can sing backing vox.

If this appeals to you please send a text to 8139 2128