Singapore Street Festival 2012: D'J Party 10th Anniversary

Kuroi Neko

New member
A SHOUT OUT to Bands, Singers and Cosplayers out there!

D'J PARTY is back this year to celebrate it's 10 Year Anniversary!!
Registrations for these 3 categories will be open from now till 14th May 2012

Band Category
Interested bands are required to send in their:
1. Recording/demo of a song (Such as a recording of a practice session in the studio)
2. Band Write-up of not more than 100 words (To be included in the Singapore Street Festival Program Booklet)
3. Band Photograph (To be included in the Singapore Street Festival Program Booklet)
4. Tech Rider

Send in the relevant documents to by 14/05/2012
Do note that we will be providing our comments on areas of potential improvement based on the recordings sent.
Auditions will be held late May for all registered bands.
However, we regret to inform you that only selected bands will be performing for the event itself.
A total of 7-9 Bands will be chosen to perform at this year's D'J Party.

Solo Singer Category
Interested singers are required to send in their:
1. Recording/demo of a song
2. A write-up of not more than 100 words (To be included in the Singapore Street Festival Program Booklet)
3. Singer's Photograph (To be included in the Singapore Street Festival Program Booklet)

Send in the relevant documents to by the 14/05/2012
You will be updated with more details regarding the performance shortly after registrations have closed.

Cosplay Category
Interested Cosplayers are required to send in their:
1. A write-up of not more than 100 words (To be included in the Singapore Street Festival Program Booklet)
2. Cosplayer's Photograph (To be included in the Singapore Street Festival Program Booklet)
3. Character to be Cosplayed

Send in the relevant documents to by the 14/05/2012
You will be updated with more details regarding the performance shortly after registrations have closed.

Should you have any queries regarding the event, do redirect your questions to either the D'J Party Facebook Page or

We look forward to all your entries and we hope to see YOU there at the event itself
Best of luck in your preparations for the event! =)
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Note that this is mainly a Japanese culture-based event.
Therefore, we are looking for bands and singers that perform mainly Japanese music =)