SINC's demo

"Nothing" really sounds like something straight out of Nirvana! if that's what you guys are aiming for then you got it down pat! cheers
hi zel,

3-piece band is very difficult, so applause to u guys first!

the music rocks!!...but the vocal try to improve ok? It got to sound "bigger and more attitude" and bring out the melody of the song more...pitch wise take note too

the songs do sound "nirvana"...but I guess it's fine since that's ur influence, later on u shld be able to find your own sound as more songs are written

rock on

GRUNGE!!!!!!! \m/ Actually I think the vocals are pretty good. Most people would probably start coughin after 5 secs of trying to sing at that intensity. Good job!
id say, try not to sound like nirvana too much. no doubt good stuff, but yea work on the originality, or people might remember u guys as "the band like nirvana ah?" oh yea and for vocals, work on ur pitching. i like it but a lil bit pitchy at times naw mean. well good luck to sinc! update us on ur future shows.

woah...thanks guys!!! we'll work on that and take note of what to improve on :) hope to hear more comments =D
wow...just fookin' wow. not much in the way of originality but you guys sound so much like nirvana i literally got freaking goosebumps. awesome stuff and great job on the vocals..would love to work with you guys in the future..
I love this band..just do what comes close to your heart..what you're doing now is already sounding great..I don't care if it reminds me of Nirvana...coz not many people can actually sound like them..

*gives SINC a bag of peanuts*