Silverstein on new years eve

re: just wondering..

hi pple!!

no offence alright? but i reely feel tat silverstein dun reely pack a punch when they perform 'smile in your sleep' live.

i mean, the song is reely reely solid. like bigtime.

i've been lookin at their videos of that song online and somehow, that 'umph' factor is missing..

to date, only 2 local bands have reely done solid cover of that song. im shure they're more out there..

1) Bloodstained Kisses..
2) Hanging By A Thread..

if the band reely comes down to our lil island next year, i reely hope the performance for the song in question will be even better than the album version..

fingers crossed..
it isn't compulsory for them to perform 'smile in your sleep' right...or is it tat you only know these guys because of just one overplayed song? hmm

their new stuff rocks okay!

and it'll be a huge bonus if they come here....
can do the countdown together
can celebrate my birthday together! yeaahhh!!! 31st dec!
if silverstein were to come, i can bet that a vacant affair will open for them like what ava opens for FFAF..hah

Dec 15 2007 8:00P
Dec 16 2007 8:00P
Jan 5 2008 8:00P
Capitol (+18) Perth
Jan 6 2008 8:00P
Fly By Night Fremantle

their last shows this year are just before christmas, around which time i'm guessing they'd want to spend with their families. it would take alot to convince people to leave that early to play a small show in a small country like singapore.
Alternately, There current last announced shows are before Christmas in Europe, Then in early Jan they are in Australia.
Its a really long trip if they want to double back to Aus via Canada... however, Singapore and SE Asia are right along the line of travel...

And yes, i think AVA might well open for them...

Publicity should be out next weekend....

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