Silicon Gel (moisture absorber)


New member
isst ok to put this small packets of silicongel inside your guitar case so that when you keep your guitar moisture won't form and prevents the rusting of strings and pickup?
actually i just use thirsty hippo .. but i use it more for a conditioner rather than to keep it dry ... like if my guitar starts to sound a little dead .. i'll put thirsty hippo for 2 weeks or so .. the packet ones ..
NTUC lorh .. hahahaha ..

have .. just go find .. it comes in a box of 4 .. sells around 5 bucks per box ...
Silica Gel

First off, It is Silica Gel. Get your terminology right.

You can get this or similar dessicant from any good camera shop, make bags of muslin to stock them in and keep them in your instrument case. Buy the Blue ones, which will discolour when they have too much moisture - you can bake them ina tray at low heat to dehydrate an reuse......A bottle of this when I last bought one was about 7 bucks , probably in '83. Can't tell you the prices today.