Shy shy shy.


New member
Ok uhm. I just looked over some of my band's youtube videos and was trying to figure out why my showmanship in acoustic sets suck. I slouch (I'm not a sloucher), I close my eyes and sing to myself, and I try to avoid looking everywhere but the folds in the mic (I can literally leave the stage and tell you how many crosses there are on it). That's bad showmanship.. to me anyways..

Finally boiled down to the fact that when I'm not headbanging (hiding my face), when I'm not hiding behind my band's heavy music, when I'm not hiding behind my other vocalist (we're a duo-vocal band), I'm shy with the crowd. Well actually to be frank, I'm pretty much shy when I sing, and apparently I'm shy only when I sing (I'm not shy with the rest of you guys right? right? right? So yeah. Singing only. And that includes karaoke).

Not scared, not nervous, just plain shy.. and it's affecting how I'm relaying the song cos I'm too shy to bring the full showmanship out, or vocal qualities even. Kinda like a mental barrier with my voice or my full vocal potential.

It's weird~~ It's nothing wrong to be shy characteristically but it's a knife up the throat for a vocalist trying to front his/her music. Any ideas how to overcome this stupid issue? :(

well for me .. what i will do is i just dont care anything , treat them as they are your fans... maybe you should try by looking some live concert.. and see how their body language did..

(i play cheat cause im wearing spec then whenever a perform i dont wear.. only see blur image of the crowd ... hehehe)

As a front liner, you should never be shy. I didn't see your videos so I can't comment if you're shy or not. Shyness is not a disease or something that cannot be change. If you can act, you could just pull it through. Not all front liners are outspoken or lively in person. But due to the nature of duty, he or she has to be someone who entertain the crowd. A good band with a front-liner who doesn't talk much or shy makes it a dull show.

I used to have a vocalist who is super shy. But I told him since he is also in the drama, which means he can act I told him to just do that. Which he did. Many people was surprised when they call him down to drink along in person, he still is that shy person. But on stage, he's the killer guy. Hehehehe...!! It worked for him and I'm sure it can work for you too.

Well for me.. i think it's about...the mindset that u have when u're on stage.

For me, when i get up on stage.. even tho i get nervous sometimes.. i try to concentrate on telling the story of the song to the audience..and as a presenter(in this case a vocalist).. u have to get the msg across..via the song.. and with actions u're able to make the audience feel...receptive or welcome towards ur singing...

Plus, i like being on stage...hurhur.... feels nice....

Tetra made a good point too... being able to act is also a definite plus point cuz u get to portray ur character as the singer of the while getting into character on stage..u might also stray away from the shyness and all tht... ^^

I'unno la.. these are just my thoughts..heehee...
sage> i went to look for said vid, and personally i thought it was fine.
it's sorta hard to headbang to acoustic music =/
so honestly, i dont think anything's wrong :)
sage - I preferred ur accoustic set persona .... esp the Lovesong cover

If U want private lessons for accostic showmanship - PM for an appointment ... the doctor is in:D
sage, I think the word to use here is not "Shy", but rather "Self-conscious".

From your description, it seems that you are too aware that it is YOU who are on stage, performing, in front of people who are judgmental and so on. That self-consciousness makes you look down, at the mike, close your eyes, etc. So, you've got to get over that, and start thinking about being a Performer. Think Lord of the Flies - you paint your face, you put on a mask and you are someone else (this is meant to be taken metaphorically ie. not paint your face like KISS).

You should take a look at Andrea Corr's on-stage performance - she flirts with the audience, she bats her eyelashes, she makes a face, she's oh-so-demure....basically, as tetra suggests, she acts a part. For all we know, off-stage, she may not even be able to string together two words coherently. But she does her job as the frontman very well indeed.
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Thanks guys for the tips!

Andy> I can't pretend they're my fans, I'll be ten times as shy.. I think that's how it started happening, that they were fans and I freaked out? I freak out when fans go up to me and yknow.. say fan-stuff.. I can feel my legs turn to jelly, my eyes shifting about, my ears flushing, my face melting, my hair dropping, my brain screaming.... But I donno why? Anyone felt like that before? Someone once told me I'm attention-phobic or something.. :(

Tetra> Exactly! That's why I'm concerned, especially since I was thinking of doing up an acoustic band thing with some originals :( The tip you gave about the acting bit is useful, and I've been doing that for my metal band sets (because.. well... it's metal lah, easy to act like some thrash-headed madman and do the whole goth glam act..), but when I'm not doing metal, how am I supposed to act? Especially when everything I'm singing is like.. "me"? Then act like who... :(

shawn> I'm gonna have to try the whole storytelling bit, and pretend that the personal messages are stories.. maybe that way I won't be shy or something.. pretend that I'm not exposing myself?

vicko + fgl (lol) > Thanks for liking the love song and crestfallen sets!
I don't like the showmanship cos I was shaking (cannot see on the video lol), and .. aiyah if you see how I end, I'm shying away like hell.. I practically ran off and out of the cafe after the performance... barefooted somemore; I couldn't find my shoes after that.. haiz.. I'm pathetic :( Maybe I just need more acoustic experience? I go try...

I have to control my blushing, for one... when I blush.. you can spot my red face a mile away...
sage, I think the word to use here is not "Shy", but rather "Self-conscious".

From your description, it seems that you are too aware that it is YOU who are on stage, performing, in front of people being who are judgmental and so on. That self-consciousness makes you look down, at the mike, close your eyes, etc. So, you've got to get over that, and start thinking about being a Performer. Think Lord of the Flies - you paint your face, you put on a mask and you are someone else (this is meant to be taken metaphorically ie. not paint your face like KISS).

You should take a look at Andrea Corr's on-stage performance - she flirts with audience, she bats her eyelashes, she makes a face, she's oh-so-demure....basically, as tetra suggests, she acts a part. For all we know, off-stage, she may not even be able to string together two words coherently. But she does her job as the frontman very well indeed.

Heyho and thanks for the tip!
It's definitely a thought to ponder, when you put it that way; That I might be too self-conscious, in the sense that perhaps I'm concerned that people don't get what I'm singing or whether they'd like my version of songs and stuff..

which then putting a "mask" might work :D Hmm.. So now I need to find a mask, looks like...

Er.. any ideas? I'm not going for the flirty style :/ Any others to suggest?

Oh btw is it any way linked to the same shyness I have with fans ya think?
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Heyho and thanks for the tip!
No problemo. Hope it makes some sense.

<snip>perhaps I'm concerned that people don't get what I'm singing or whether they'd like my version of songs and stuff..
You see, that's the thing. You have to forget all that head-conversation, at least until you get off-stage. On-stage, you are GOD, you have these puny beings eating out of your hands.

<snip>Er.. any ideas? I'm not going for the flirty style :/ Any others to suggest?
The point is you've got to come up with your own on-stage persona (flirty is Andrea Corr, not necessarily what you are going or want to be). Perhaps it can be soulful, sincere even, bleeding heart left wing angsty environmentalist, I really can't say, not having the benefit of your performance. But whatever the suggestions, it's something you've got to work at, and something that will coalesce after some time. You know, I just realise that oftentimes, in interviews of singers and actors, quite often the writer will say something like, "In person, XXX is friendly/open/shy/taciturn/etc" meaning that the character on-stage or on-screen does not mesh with the real person. That does not mean these people are playing false, but singing and acting has a great deal in common.

Oh btw is it any way linked to the same shyness I have with fans ya think?
I would say definitely. But one hinders, and the other should not be too much of a problem IMO.
I think in an accoustic set you just have be a little 'thick skin' or 'selamba'. Try singing and talking infront of the mirror. I'm not a good talker when I do accoustic set myself but I'm just 'thick skin'. Hehehe...!!! Don't care what people think of me. Luckily my girl singer is not as bad as me in talking. Hehehe....!! But fgl will be the guy to learn from. Ya...why not share with everyone here? Must go private one lah....Got some kind of fee ah? Or fgl gatal already? Hehehehe....!!!
ya fgl so enthu.
must learn from him.

sage, OT abit, do you think i could get a cd at the next vhc or smth?
how muchie? :D

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vick, i had a strict father too.
prob stricter than yours i can hazard.
but this will pass.
you may whine and grumble, and think your life is too unbearable.
but this too shall pass.
so, hang in there, friend.
you don't want to grow up too fast.

(if i sound too patronising or whatever, i shall claim as an excuse my many years over you :cool:).

sorry sage, back to you.
You see, that's the thing. You have to forget all that head-conversation, at least until you get off-stage. On-stage, you are GOD, you have these puny beings eating out of your hands.

I think I'm having severe problems drilling that "god" persona into my head :( I'm ashamed of even thinking it :( Gone case? ............ :(

Tetragrammaton said:
I think in an accoustic set you just have be a little 'thick skin' or 'selamba'. Try singing and talking infront of the mirror.

I'll try to talk to the mirror and resist making fun of myself.. Am definitely not the thick skin sort..

Yknow it's funny guys, cos I never had this problem when I was younger or just beginning to sing? Then again, I was a teen idiot trying to fit in with the whole concept thing going.. Hmm.. maybe I should go back to that and bring it back on stage. :}} If the idea in itself doesn't freak me out first lol~

Thanks again guys for all the great tips and support, I really really appreciate it. Was really stuck in the rut with it really..

Vicko> yeap I'll bring the album over for you :D Happy 1k post! Try for 10k next :}
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