SG Bass or Flying V guitar, which one to buy?


New member

SG Reissue


Flying V (Faded)

Hi Guys, need some advice pretty urgently now. I'm in Tokyo right now and I'm shopping at Ishibashi (their music store). I'm kind of stuck in a decision making situation now. Should I get an SG bass or a Flying V, though I'm a bass player. Any good suggestions? Just don't tell me to get both or my wife gonna get me....haha....The SG Bass is SGD1500 with hard case, and the Flying V is SGD1120 with a soft case. Understand that Swee Lee prices for both instruments are at least double these, right? I'm smitten with the both of them a long long time ago...haha
This is the bass forum so everyone says SG bass.

Well put it in the guitar section for more confusing opinions. :lol:
Please buy it on impulse. So you can sell to fellow softies at a cheaper price when you realise that you didn't have a need for it.
unless you really like the tone of the sg i say go for the flying v. the sg basses don't really have much versatility imo.
The SG bass is great for fingerstyle/pickstyle, but it is pretty much limited to that. Be sure that you're gonna play that all the time. I find it thoroughly lacking on the slapping aspect.
where do you get these dark stars? i've been reading the reviews and they impress me... Better than MECs? and do they come for 5 strings?
Hi Guys, thanks for all the suggestions. Well, I've decided not to get either. Cos my Wife just got me a 6-string bass for Christmas, so a bit paiseh to get another bass so soon..haha. And the Flying V might be a little wasted on me, since I'm a bass player. Nevertheless, I got myself a MIJ Fender Stratocaster (the sunburst one, brand new for SGD550, so I thought the price's pretty good) instead for practice's sake. Anyway, thanks for all the suggestions.
