Seymour Duncan Recommendations For Basswood Body Guitar


New member
Hey fellow softies,

I'm looking for a pickup change. Preferbly pups from Seymour Duncan. I'm hooked up to the following:-

Ibanez RG2550Z Prestige
-Basswood Body
-Predominantly Maple neck
-Rosewood Fretboard
- Stock DiMarzio IBZ pups

Main Drive Unit: Electro-Harmonix English Muff'n
Amplifier: VOX AC4TV


Desired Tone: P.A.F tones 'as close to a Les Paul as possible' (Classic Rock music ala AC/DC, The Darkness, Led Zeppelin)

Problem: Current pickups are too muddy. Bridge lacks crunch. More treble response from both pickups required.

Currrently looking at: Seymour Duncan 59' in the neck, Seymour Duncan JB in the bridge. (Middle pickup can wait)

As I'm using a Basswood body guitar, I'm not sure if the 59' and the JB would sound good in it. Some are saying that Basswood is too neutral a wood and requires a pickup with more character (like the Seymour Duncan PATB's). Anyone having such a setup? Based on my desired tone, any pup recommendations to achieve that P.A.F tone?

I'm very aware that I'm using a Superstrat, but I'm not into Metal music.
I've looked at DiMarzio. However they don't seem to appeal to the 'old school rock' scene. But if you must recommend DiMarzio, I'll gladly give you my attention. Thanks in advance guys.

*Please don't recommend a Les Paul. I know they do this job best. I'm just not ready to change my axe yet.
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The body shape is totally different. It's like going to KFC to ask for a Big Mac. Even if you must, get a cheapo Les Paul.
I'd say get a Craftsman Les Paul secondhand, it's definitely cheaper than getting new pickups.
And if you absolutely cannot get a new guitar, you can try more versatile pups, like JB/Jazz combo, DiMarzio PAF Classic, etc.
in terms of depth, 'as close as possible' to an LP isn't quite possible with your current guitar but tone-wise, the 59 is a good choice in the neck but it's not as distortion inclined as an Alnico II Pro- similar classic tones but more punch drive-wise.

for the bridge, the JB isn't one to give off a classic drive type tones but it has a strong midrange respone (i have 2 JBs in 2 different ibanez guitars). as far as Duncan goes, the Custom 5 might just do the trick here.
hmmm, okay. I shall take Les Paul out of the picture I guess.. But if i want to go towards the mentioned P.A.F, old school classic rock crunch type of tone, does the Custom 5 have enough treble detail? I was recommended the Custom 5 by Seymour Duncan too.

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