Setting guitar to 0.09 string gauge.


New member
Hi everyone.

So 2 months ago, i've gotten myself an epiphone ultra III.
Yeah it's an lespaul.

So here's my problem:

I listen and play a lot of GnR,Bon Jovi, AC/DC , muse ,etc
I've been using d'addario 0.10 string gauge on all my guitar and is very reluctant to change it.
I know that lespaul gives a very warm sound but i'm not really into it.

Yeah people will tell me to change guitar but i love the function and the stuff in the ultra III.
The first time i tried with 0.09 strings it gave me a nightmare.
I installed the string on a telecaster and it's horrible due to the sharpness of the sound produced.

So here's my question. Will instailling 0.09 string on a les paul help overcome the warm produced ?
And what kind of setup do i have to do and anything i need to take note ?

Thanks in advance !

Cheers !! :D
string tone differences is mostly given by different types of strings

warm tone: flat wound, half wound
bright tone: nickel, steel

you can experiment with the different types of strings out there, since they don't cost much (comparing to trying pedals or amps)
the differences between 0.09 set and 0.10 set for a les paul's set up shouldn't be a lot, so probably there is no need to adjust anything
Thanks a lot Vidak.
I got my strings changed by Subversions.
Didn't know that there's 0.095 string gauge. Therefore i tried it in the Lespaul.
But it sounds real good. Gonna try different brand of strings soon but d'addario fits nicely in that guitar.
If you are already used to 0.10 string feel, the chance is 0.09 is gonna feel very light for you.
It might be fine for vintage radius (7.25 inch) but I wouldn't recommend using 0.09 for flatter radius neck like les paul.

Try using D'addario EXL110 nickel wound which should give you brighter sound.
If it's still not there, try changing the guitar cap to smaller value or even brighter pickups.
But you won't be getting the brightness of single coil of course :)