Sets....By Nightfall...Female vox preferably...males welcome


New member
Band name : Sets By Nightfall

Genre: Rock.and the threads that follow Rock...
Punk rock...Alternative rock...

Influences : Bon jovi...Greenday...The OffSprings
a whole lot name it...we might have it..

style of playing : anything that suits well with the songs.

Why we need a female vox? :
were looking for voices thats sooth the music

we want to stay humble...refine our self....til were ready
having fun when jamming...that's something we want to do
commitment is needed...we wont blame you if you cant commit.

if you want to join us...feel free
you can contact me at
my name is Then :D

i will save your number personally...
i will inform you i wont ignore you..
for past members if i did ignore you...
i apologize...truly sorry..:D

my email is