Sept 911 Conspiracy or Conpiracy Theory?

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Why big fuss about 911? When world forgets what happened to Shabra & Shatila massacre done by Ariel Sharon..that is 1000000000000times worst that little pie 911
i'm not sure whether its really 1000000000000 times worse. cos the number of ppl who died 700-3500... the range rather similar.
Well in my oppinion, i see no fuss in the American government going into an international rampage based solely on these "attacks" on America... Really...
its retribution,US kill innocent Arabs through "freedom" coalition attacks and through Israel. they get attacked back,they'll never learn.the ones that lose in the end are the civilians,Bush doesnt a give a single care about it,he just wants the oil and the war funds rolling in.
I have a lot to say, regarding this "terrorist" and "attacks" issue. Refraining to say anything now. As per any other forums I have been, both local and overseas, 95% of the time it spills over to ugly confrontations, insults and what else?

I used to work in uniformed group before I resigned. Collaborations with overseas agencies, real-life operations (live rounds strapped all over the vest and not blanks!) etc etc ... I don't mean to discriminate anyone BUT I don't see how some can even comment when they are still schooling now, or probably haven't even went through BMT. It's too big a topic, and most don't see the shit that's hidden in dirty politics and unscrulptious military grounds.

Let's just share the love through music. And this is what I am talking about =>

^ i love you... :oops:

but doesnt mean we arent old enough,we never read up..well,reading is never actually 100% true...but yeah,u're saying younger people only act like they know..

i dun wanna take part in this anymore...lets have more fun in the forum!! :P
I see that SOFT has'nt really changed much..

It is apparent from this thread that we still have kids on this forum who do not see the bigger picture

Please....all of you silly little schoolboys..stop talking big and please continue to spend money on expensive guitars and gear even if you just play power chords

The guitar industry needs fools like you
i believe 3000 jews did not turn up for work on tt day. oh well, we will see in the end what happens. When it all ends, we will know the truth for sure. So lets keep our panties on :D
panz3rr said:
i believe 3000 jews did not turn up for work on tt day. oh well, we will see in the end what happens. When it all ends, we will know the truth for sure. So lets keep our panties on :D

I don't mean to harp on it but I don't see how it will ever end. Humans - by nature are never satisfied. Even more so, when you entrust power upon someone, there is always a desire in the quest for domination and absolute power. And when you finally have it, comes the next stage of defending against competitors eyeing your power.

It's just not going to end, unless Mother Earth explodes. But then again, even aliens are fighting against each other in the quest for powers. (That's if you believe in the existence of extra-terrestial beings.)


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