Sending your guitars to guitar shops.


New member
Hey guys, i want to change my pickups, and many of my friends don't really recommend me to send my guit to guitar shops and rather send it to someone i know of. But i don't have friends who knows this sorta stuffs, like changing of pickups.

They say that guitar shops normally dont take care your guitar well ah, sometimes when you get back your guitar, there'll be scratches, minor dings and so on...

Don't take it too seriously though, i mean its just what i heard it from friends. Feel free to voice your opinions here... Oh and also, any recommendations of shops that provide good services? Like guitar shops you've been to, and they give really good services and takes care of your guitar well? PM me the shops' names. Thanks and sorry for the lengthy post! :o
hey pple..first post. Anyways dude i face the same prob as u man. Whenever i think of going for a setup for my guitar, the thought of leaving my guitar in the shop just worries me. U totally have no idea wot they're gonna do to it, whether they're gonna change ur parts or such. Tts y its always better to DIY, or get someone u noe to do it for ya.
i noe a guy who does this stuff.. but he's charges a bit more i tink, but he's gd n will take care of ur stuff...
yea i saw uncle dennis taking care of my frens strat polishing it like so tenderly ! go with uncle dennis
Ok I have sent my guitars to guitar shops for change of pickups and set-ups.

I did a change of pickups with Mike from Roy Studio and can attest to the fact that he is pretty good with the electronics. One time I was there to see him do it and another time I left the guitar there. Everything was done good and had no problems with work done or experienced any damage to the guitar.

I have also brought my Les Paul to Guitar Workshop for a set-up, truss rod adjustment and change of nut. I am very satisfied with the work and the guitar came back in good condition. I now have another guitar with them where I am modifying the SSS configuration to a SSH as well as a set-up for my Strat copy. After that, I will let them do a set-up and change of nut/saddle for my acoustic guitar.

So my advice is that you first speak to the guitar shop people and discuss the work to be done. In some ways, you can judged whether they know what they are doing from these conversations.

Of course, if you are new to all this guitar repair and set-up stuff, it is best that you get a recommendation from friends who have done it. Or, in my case, I do some reading up first on the subject matter on the internet so that I know what I want the guitar tech to do to my guitar. After that, it was a leap of faith :lol:

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