selling your own composition...


New member
just it it's possible to sell your own composed songs to a record company..if yes..what's the procedure do one go about doing you send a demo tape??to which address??or do u email to the producer or something??do u need to know anyone in this industry before u can do it?? must u patent ur song(if there is such a thing) 1st b4 doing it?? how much can u make if your song is accepted?

was wondering whether anyone does this as a sideline...thanks for any input...=]
i don't do this as a sideline but just off the cuff, i believe unsolicited material generally not accepted. you copyright a song, not patent it btw. And yes, if you do intend to send it to some label, do copyright it.
i believe you are a singer/songwriter and want to sell your songs to labels. overseas they have these A&R companies who are willing to review your material and send it to their contacts if good enough, for a small fee. ok maybe not so small for some, but even then, your demo has to be polished and your material up to par, otherwise, its tough.
am not so sure about local, hope you find some success.

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