Selling: Jason Bowld's "This is Metal" playalong Metal genre Audio CD $20


New member
Selling Jason's Bowld "This is Metal" playalong Audio CD. New condition. Played em no more than 5 times on my CD Player to jam along.

This CD performs (without vocals) to a Metal collective album entitled "This is Menace". Most of Jason Bowld's works could be seen in "Rhythm" magazine,where he will dissect or write a column or even teaches Metal and Heavy Rock to it's readers. Includes pdf files for the drum transcripts of the songs.

Will let go for $20

SMS me: 93363494 (Something wrong with my phone hence, the "Missed Call" alert is crazy. If I happen to stare at my phone and you called me, then I'll answer it. So it's best to sms)
