Puddle Smasher
New member
Bought this from city music for 320..pedal case with badminton wrapping around the handle for comfort 100..selling this sweet deal for ONLY $200!!..Making a loss of 220..appearance is 8.5/10 but working fine..contact me at 93627462..be cash ready please..This pedal has taught me shit loads about tone..manual included in the pedal case..want to negotiate can but don't go too far =)LONG EXPLANATION------------------------------ selling this due to wanting to expand into analog pedals. Will only trade for wampler pinnacle 2 limited edition / wampler triple wreck/maxZ hi gain/ g2d Morpheus/ ibanez cf7 /zoom q3hd/ jm4 looper/ boss rc looper/ vox dynamic looper/ boss cs3 plus another pedal (conditional) /mxr noise clamp/ mxr smart gate plus any other pedal.(conditional) pedals. Will only trade for wampler pinnacle 2 wampler triple wreck/maxZ hi gain/ g2d Morpheus/ ibanez cf7 /zoom q3hd/ jm4 looper/ boss rc looper/ vox dynamic looper/ boss cs3 plus another pedal (conditional) /mxr noise clamp/ mxr smart gate plus any other pedal.(conditional) wampler triple wreck/maxZ hi gain/ g2d Morpheus/ ibanez cf7 /zoom q3hd/ jm4 looper/ Morpheus/ ibanez cf7 /zoom q3hd/ jm4 looper/ boss rc looper/ vox dynamic looper/ boss cs3 plus another pedal (conditional) /mxr noise clamp/ mxr smart gate plus any other pedal.(conditional) another pedal (conditional) /mxr noise clamp/ mxr smart gate plus any other pedal.(conditional mxr smart gate plus any other pedal.(conditional