Self-produced online music album: 2010 Crystal Tears and the Dream Nebula


New member
Hi all,
If you're interested in 30mins of mostly electric guitar instrumentals, have a listen at this blog post (the only vocals, by a lady friend, is on track #6):

Or download at these links:

This is our 3rd Creative Commons Licensed music project. As with the earlier albums, the music is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Singapore License. Meaning: as long as anyone credits the music to: “Starfish Stories :: The Band –” in their audio, video, website, printed materials etc., they are free to use, copy, share, modify, distribute, sell without paying us any royalties.

Feel free to let us know what you liked or disliked about the songs. We won't be offended even if you tell us to keep our day jobs. Really :)

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wow! heavenly and nice music there..the arrangement and sound is ..err ..really great! definitely an album worth buying..\m/
definitely an album worth buying..\m/
Thanks Yusri! When some one is willing to part with their moolah, that's one of the highest compliment, LOL. We don't sell our music per se. If people are feeling generous, we've uploaded the music at, where they can donate any amount for the track they like:
But listening and commenting is more than good enough for us. Thanks again.

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