Self-Intro : Mykee

Mykee Eqel

New member
Hello Everyone,

My name is Mykael but you can call me Mykee...

Basically i'm a musician, a guitar player to be exact but i play bass too and some keys but not that much. I learn music and especially guitar by my own and take some music courses here and there but not into that very-well educated school kind of type. 15 years and still going, i'm in the local and regional music scene with various role from musician to producer in various projects. Songwriter, music composer, arranger, recording musician, sessionist musician, live stage music performer that's where i came from.

I do recording for myself but only in demo quality so not that fancy stuffs, but several years back, i was involved into some serious studio recoding projects with two band for mainstream music market and it's turns out quite well with some award and nominations. It was a glorious days for me having stage performance back in the days, coz i love to play live music but lately it is not that much. Since i spend most of the time inside recording studio, works as a recording & mixing engineer, and working quite a lot on acoustic treatment projects, also being hired as live sound engineer and sound system specialist, those kind of works takes a huge amount of my time and concentration so that i dont have much time to play on live gigs. My main environment is Protools both recording and mixing but mostly i'm into those digital kind of type, so even i love the great analog stuffs but my field of expertise is in digital domain.

Practically, i've been into music stuffs for quite sometimes even i'm not that well educated in some fancy school but some of my works is highly appreciated and recognized. And for that time spend, i gain knowledges and experiences with quite large amount of portion since i'm a quick learner kind of person and always try something new. My huge interest in CGI and graphics design and animation kind of stuff made me enrich my musical vocabularies in term of creativities. It allows me to using music on visual stuff with unlimited creativity.

In the end, i love music so much and had passion with all heart. So, if any like to hire or include me into some projects that related to my fields of creativity, you may contact me to discuss or talk about it.

Hope you all enjoy life as well as you enjoy music!

:)Best Regards,
