Seeking aspiring producer to collaborate on original material


New member
I'm a lead-guitarist for a classic/hard rock band, but also compose original material in a darker, more symphonic and heavier direction. Main influences would be Pink Floyd, Nightwish, Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Black Sabbath. I have hundreds of pieces of music (including 50+ full songs with vocal melodies) already composed in Guitar Pro and Garage band but don't have the patience or producing capability to make into a quality recording.

I want to put together 5-6 songs mini-album, and already have a male and female vocalist recruited (I will be playing all instruments myself, except drums which I plan to program).

I am looking for a producer to help bring this album to life. You don't have to be a professional, but of course, basic producing skill and familiarity with requisite softwares is required.

Hit me up at nine-0-0-five-8-zero-5-six to listen to the MIDI/Garage Band samples of my music, in case you want to get a feel of it.