Screaming Kiddos


New member
ARGH! screaming kids are so so so so SO scary!!! i was working at a pushcart in Junction 8.. and there was once this lil kiddo was like screaming [VERY HIGH PITCH] instead of crying.. i almost cried out.. sheesh.. and there was another time these two lil kids were running around and SCREAMING[super high pitch].. i mean.. yeah it's okaay for them to scream a lil but not continously screaming.. it drives me nuts.. And their parents of the two kiddos are like happily chatting away.. hmm.. scary. Crying kids are not so scary.. AAAHHH.. screaming kids are like the scariest thing.
Yeah, screaming kids are scary. This kid (neighbor) screamed his lungs out in the lift when I was in it for no reason...then he started giggling.

Once I also accidentaly (also because of reflex) slapped this kid who was holding my arm and screaming at me (for no reason as well).
afterdeath said:
hmm...... r these kids training 2 be a screamo vox when they grow up?......... :roll:


So Axl Rose must have been a screaming kiddo when he was young LOL.. :lol:
i agree that screaming kids are scary. my neighbour has 3 young kids, prolly in primary school or sumthin, and they scream EVERYDAY. lucky there are things called earphones when u can just turn it on real loud and ignore the screamin. and it even goes on into the night man x.x think i shld call the police? :twisted: jking ^^
was on the mrt tt day....was this little girl aged botu 6 playing with a long balloon....u know those bendable form shapes...


wah kao...the screeeeeking sound is so irritating and pain to my ears i moved 2 carriages away.... :?
Mobius said:
afterdeath said:
hmm...... r these kids training 2 be a screamo vox when they grow up?......... :roll:


So Axl Rose must have been a screaming kiddo when he was young LOL.. :lol:

hmm.... maybe...... any1 got his email or wat?....... or msn....... den we can check it up wif him....... hahahahahha.......

Nitro.Vo//Chaos AD says:
how long have you liked metallica?

-{|metallica|}- the unknown felling e.p says:
i dunno prob since last year some time like september or sumfin

Nitro.Vo//Chaos AD says:

-{|metallica|}- the unknown felling e.p says:
i think it was after i herd u listening to it and sreeming and shit

-{|metallica|}- the unknown felling e.p says:
i just remeber goin to pats one day and u were crankin metallica then i hear this fukin scream from no where and pat said thats wat u do

OHHH YEAAHHH After drinking,you can get out some awesome metal screams
How about that scream in the beginning of Slayer's "Angel of Death"?

I say that is quite a screaming skill.
lamb of god - black label :twisted:
intense screaming for the kid is bad for the vox.
Maybe his parents is a metalhead training him to be scremo in the future.
Preparing his vocals chords first haha =X

my cousin, when he was young, he didnt even scream all the time but cry all the time. you know, babies cry and his mother didnt attend to him. Like heck care. His voice is "sore-throat-like"
Frozen said:
How about that scream in the beginning of Slayer's "Angel of Death"?

I say that is quite a screaming skill.

That is a killer scream. My 10 month old son can do a good version of that. Normally he tries to do it in a restaurant or public place.
MUAHAHA.. i know what to do.. when kids scream right.. try headbanging to their screams... sheesh.. lol jus joking...

SCREAMING KIDS ARE SCARY!!... eh but their screams are like.. super duper sharp. IF I CAN.. i'll jus go up to them and scream back at them.. lol.. but being SUCH A NICE PERSON.. i shall not.. ahem.
Frozen said:
Once I also accidentaly (also because of reflex) slapped this kid who was holding my arm and screaming at me (for no reason as well).

See... kids.. you never know what will they do.. LOL.. holding yr arms and screaming.. sheesh... what did he/she wants from you.
Hmm... maybe those kids could do a recording for those scary movies.. you know when it's the scary part.. and they have this SUPER DUPER high pitch screams... SCARY SHIT
Kaye said:
See... kids.. you never know what will they do.. LOL.. holding yr arms and screaming.. sheesh... what did he/she wants from you.

Well, his friend tried to scare me by popping out from nowhere then he probably got 'inspired' to impress his friend with his scream or something.

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