Scratchy wah pedal pots and solutions


New member
My Jim Dunlop gcb 95 wah pedal is second hand and is pretty old. It is still functioning but it is scratchy. I've seen some solutions online is to spray electronic lubricant(eg. Control cleaner) or change the potentiometers of the wah which might cost more.
Any of you had experiences with fixing scratchy wahs and were successful? And where can I buy such electronic cleaning solvents or to buy the potentiometer and replacing the pot?
Thanks in advance.
Lubricant is not a permanent solution. Scratchy pots are a sign of wear and tear, and it's best to switch out the pot immediately. I recommend the ICAR custom wah pots; you can find the guy who sells it on eBay, plus it's reasonably priced too. He also sells the "halo" type inductors found in old Vox wahs.
ICARS are sealed as well... More durable too as I recall

They aren't more durable and they'r rather inconsistent too. This is the feedback I got from a well-reputed tech around here who has done repairs for many wahs.

Just go for a Hot Potz like Dudelove mentioned. Its vacuum sealed and it'll remain scratch free much longer than any ICAR or 'boutique' pot. The pots used by RMC are also sealed in a similar fashion like Dunlop but it'd be more troublesome to get one repaired as Geoffrey has to be the one installing it, he dosen't sell the part separately - he prefers to keep his stuff proprietary.
Try Craig deoxit and prolube for quick fix but if your pot are really worn out then a pot change is in place.