Scotch Tape Mayhem says "HELLO SINGAPORE!"


New member

I'm Aiden from the new band, Scotch Tape Mayhem!!!
We'd like to say hello to fellow softies and dukes and dudrettes. (?!)
Here's just a brief Bio about us!

We're a 5 piece band,

Zany - Lead Vocaliste
Aiden - Lead Guitariste
CJ - Rhythm Guitariste
Ash - BassistC
Kenneth - Drummaaarrrr!!!

This band actually formed back in 2008 but it was just a 'play around' kinda band back then, and there were internal affairs within the band and so we 'broke' up! =(
BUT with the NEW lineup, the arrival of Zany! and Ash! the band is back and this time, to KICK SOME ______(fill in something:twisted:).
We're all 16 years old this year, but don't be fooled by our age. We've been in numerous bands and have been performing on stage since the age of 12!
This band aims to break free from Singapore and hit international grounds with our music, not as random wannabes but, as SINGAPOREANS!
Each band member comes from a different background, different music speciality, ranging from acoustic to metal, pop punk to grunge rock!

This unusual blend of musicians produce songs that will keep heads banging, songs that will keep hands waving and maybe even keep tears flowing!(?)
Its been just about half a year or less, and we have our EP ready for recording! But we have yet to had our first performance as Scotch Tape Mayhem! and we're looking forward to having any gig this November/December/NEW YEAR! (IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO SPARE US A SLOT, PLEASE DO! :p)

Here's Our links, Please, SUPPORT US!

There has yet been any uploads (songs wise) on the myspace, but there's some acoustic videos up already!



PS: you could add me(Aiden) up at MSN ( if you'd like to know more about us or if anyone'd so kindly give us a spot anywhere after 12 Nov 2009. ITS MUCH APPRECIATED. you could also ring me up at 92714336!
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Guitar player and keyboardist

Hi everybody.

U know what the most important role in the band?
Ok let me be frank to u.

The lead vocal is the very most important in the band ok.
if the band slightly weak but the vocal are strong and good still accepted.

But if the band good, lead vocal weak then the whole band wrap up.
I look at your you tube the vocal is good. she need to improve the diction clearly.

Hey come on serious a bit la.when u sing put more passion sing with your heart.

I know u just sing happy happy only. overall not bad, but keep on practice sing it note to note.

But remember to study hard , don't involve drug. and also be good to parent.


Hi everybody.

U know what the most important role in the band?
Ok let me be frank to u.

The lead vocal is the very most important in the band ok.
if the band slightly weak but the vocal are strong and good still accepted.

But if the band good, lead vocal weak then the whole band wrap up.
I look at your you tube the vocal is good. she need to improve the diction clearly.

Hey come on serious a bit la.when u sing put more passion sing with your heart.

I know u just sing happy happy only. overall not bad, but keep on practice sing it note to note.

But remember to study hard , don't involve drug. and also be good to parent.



Thank you for the advice! =) We'll heed them! and don't worry. drugs ain't coming into our lives, we promise! =)
did not know Ash was a GIRL until i saw the pics of your band's gig at blackhole hahaha. You got two freakin cute girls in your band i am insanely jealous hahah!

and i think u commented on my vid once on youtube hahah so hello!:D