*SCAPE Confessions, Unplugged 26th Nov, NYC Labs


New member
Part 2 of *SCAPE's revival of the Confessions Series. We did Part 1, Halloween Edition during the last 2 weekends of Oct, with bands such as "In Each Hand a Cutlass", "Cockpit", "A Vacant Affair"…

Part 2 is going to be unplugged, and aimed at more up and coming bands and vocalists. Tickets are free, so come on down.

We're also looking for bands/soloists to do unplugged. Email me at melvin_koo@scape.com.sg if you're up for it.

More information can be found here http://www.facebook.com/scapeconfessions

Anechois will be playing at 3.40pm tomorrow (Saturday 26th Nov).
Our first time going unplugged so we'll be trying some (hopefully) interesting acoustic arrangements.

Anyway I have fond memories of the Scape Lab and the old Confessions gigs and am quite happy to be back there. Hope to see some Softies tomorrow!