Scale Help!


New member
Um, how do i read scales on websites such as
What do the black and red dots mean and what sequence do i play it in?
Sorry for the noob question.
Are there more black dots then red? If there are , then quite possibly that the dots all represent the notes in the scale and the red ones are the root notes.

You play the scale from the lowest note on the low E string to the highest note on the high E string and back. Combinations of certain notes that are accentuated with hammer-ons, pull - offs and bends give you your so-called licks and a combination of licks make up a phrasing or solo. Play around with the notes and you see what I mean..

Black dots are the notes of the selected scale (root notes are not shown).

Red dots are the notes of the selected chord (again, root notes are not shown).

You can select or unselect scales or chords, or superimpose them to see how a chord fits within a scale.

In the next revision, I will add the ability to show root notes plus an explanation of what the thing is showing.