S.H.E is the One World Tour Singapore stop: A review


New member
Your favourite Abang is away in a foreign land, livin’ it up with Electrico, so I gleefully made off with his tickets and shimmied down to the Singapore Indoor Stadium to catch the very lovable Taiwanese girl group S.H.E!


The winsome threesome burst onto the stage shrouded in smoke, and began a medley of high-energy numbers, including Superstar and Supermodel, pulling the audience to their feet immediately.


Sexy, glittery costumes were definitely on the menu

The trio rocked the house for nearly three hours, pulling out all the stops to make sure there was never a lull during the sold-out show. Let’s see…there was a series of Broadway-style performances, a segment where they all toted electric guitars, and solos complete with the accompaniment of hilarious retro music videos starring themselves.




Besides belting out chart-topping hits and dance numbers with the right amount of flesh revealed by their inviting costumes, the thick-as-thieves threesome also served up standards beyond CD quality with their impressive harmonisation for some of the more soulful tracks like Faraway ().love As usual, Hebe stood out just a bit more than her sistas and made it all look so easy with her wide vocal range.

Selina, Hebe and Ella didn’t ignore the fact that Mayday was doing their gig just next door at the National Stadium, either. They kept up some light-hearted trash talk, urging their audience to scream louder and let the boys feel our presence. Hebe even pretended to answer a phone call from Mayday’s lead singer Ashin, “informing” her that the girls and their fans were making too much noise.

But it was all in the name of fun, of course. The girls went on to pay tribute to Mayday, performing their own rendition of End All Loneliness () .

Another thing which made their third concert here refreshing: Grown-up versions of the cutesy songs in their repertoire. For instance, Electricity () was included as part of their Broadway-style performance, and the delivery turned the rendition into a sexy, “come-hither” one – instead of the usual schoolgirl-with-a-crush.

Photo by my concert companion, Tan Bee Keng, whose camera is blessed with better zoom

They didn’t forget to interact with the audience, either, venturing into the crowd more than once to shake hands.

Fans, as you can imagine, lapped it all up. The only thing that could have made the concert perfect, for me, would have been the inclusion of songs from their new album, especially Shero. But, oh well. All the more reason to anticipate their next show here, dontchathink?

Pictures by May Chua


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