Route to being a sound engineer

can i know if practical experience is important or qualifications in helping myself get hired in future?

Also can i know about the starting pay in this industry and what i need to do to work my way to a stable career being a sound engineer
you can either try get your hands dirty and learn DIY recording/mixing from here :
- (almost 16'000 views since 2007, you won't go wrong)
- (i don't know how much you know, or what gear you already have. just in case)

buy your own gear , knock yourself out playing around with the tracks in mixing :

or you can try apply for internship individually ( but most don't take interns cos either you're not worth their time, or they're not worth yours. fact is : you learn from them, you start on your own. they're not going to shoot themselves in the foot.
- (this one also speaks for itself)

>can i know if practical experience is important or qualifications in helping myself get hired in future?
if your boss looks at cert more than skill then you need a cert.
if your boss looks at skill and low pay hiring rate/cheap labour then you just need experience.
if your boss looks at cert and skill, he better put his money where his mouth is.
most people here though, prefer to become their own boss.

>Also can i know about the starting pay in this industry and what i need to do to work my way to a stable career being a sound engineer
for recording music only etc. be disappointed as the recording studio list already states the amount of people doing audio in this tiny country. you're better off working a normal office job if you're in it for the money. most of us run multiple lives. day job + side/online businesses + passion etc.

cert talk = make sound with mouth
experience talk = make sound with mixes.
you determine which one's more important. have fun!
hey dude thanks for the very quick reply man,was really clueless,now i have some direction where to go and what to do at least.Thanks alot :)