Rock Vocalist


New member

As the title stated, we are looking for a rock vocalist. I believe if you want a brief rundown of what is expected of you, potential candidate, here are some specs:

-commit to weekly jams
-able to handle 70s to modern rock
-keen to write originals

Some information on my band:

-age group is from 17 to 22
-we do rock of most styles
-have 2 originals up and running

And for kicks, here is out songlist we usually do. It'll be nice if you can learn all of them, but if you cannot, please make the effort to tell us in advance. Or if you can't learn any of the songs because they are not popular enough, why the hELL are you reading this.

Anyhoo, here is what we usually play, or I would say, our strongest songs would be these:

Readymade - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Highway Star - Deep Purple
Night Train - Guns and Roses
Purple Heart - I am Giant

And afew others that usually culminate into a spontaneous free jam. I think.

If you are ready, mssg me at this number 90670442. Don't call me for the love of all things sacred as I have work during office hours. Other than that, cheers and have a joyous weekend.....or what is left of it.