RPM presents...
Tickets for Rock Out Loud! The 21st Century Tribute to 70's and 80's Rock gig can be purchased by contacting
RPM at rpmrockband@gmail.com
or any of the following representatives of:
Midnight Rose (vai_tech13@hotmail.com)
Rising Heart (opposite_youth@hotmail.com)
ForeSight (blackan_rxz@yahoo.com.sg)
Paintings Of Victory (hafiz85sg@gmail.com)
So, rockers... do book early to Rock Out Loud!
Tickets for Rock Out Loud! The 21st Century Tribute to 70's and 80's Rock gig can be purchased by contacting
RPM at rpmrockband@gmail.com
or any of the following representatives of:
Midnight Rose (vai_tech13@hotmail.com)
Rising Heart (opposite_youth@hotmail.com)
ForeSight (blackan_rxz@yahoo.com.sg)
Paintings Of Victory (hafiz85sg@gmail.com)
So, rockers... do book early to Rock Out Loud!